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Server-Side JavaScript (SSJS) Core Library Functions

Write an SSJS code block to retrieve account details

<script runat="server" language="JavaScript" executioncontexttype="GET" >
  // Load the Core library
  Platform.Load("Core", "1");

  try {
    var account = {
      QueryAllAccounts: true,
      Filter: {
        Property: "CustomerKey",
        SimpleOperator: "equals",
        Value: "xxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxx"

    // Retrieve the Account
    var results = Account.Retrieve(account);

    // Check if results contain any data
    if (results && results.length > 0) {
      // Output the Name and other details of the first result
      Write("Name: " + results[0].Name + "\n");
      Write("Address: " + results[0].Address + "\n");
      Write("City: " + results[0].City + "\n");
      Write("Country: " + results[0].Country + "\n");
      Write("BusinessName: " + results[0].BusinessName + "\n");
    } else {
      Write("No account found with the specified CustomerKey.\n");
  } catch (ex) {
    // Handle any exceptions and output the error details
    Write("Error Message: " + ex.message + "\n");
    Write("Error Description: " + ex.description + "\n");

Write an SSJS block to retrieve tracking

<script runat="server" language="JavaScript" executioncontexttype="GET" >
  // Load the Core library with version 1
  Platform.Load("Core", "1");

  try {
    // Define the filter as an object correctly
    var filter = { 
      Property: "CustomerKey",
      SimpleOperator: "equals",
      Value: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxx"

    // Attempt to retrieve tracking information for the specified account
    var acctTracking = Account.Tracking.Retrieve(filter);

    // Uncomment the line below to see the complete tracking information as a string
    // Write(Stringify(acctTracking));

    // Output tracking information for the account
    Write('\n\nTracking information about the account:\n\n');

    // Check if acctTracking has data to avoid runtime errors
    if (acctTracking && acctTracking.length > 0) {
      // Loop through the retrieved tracking data for the account
      for (var i = 0; i < acctTracking.length; i++) {
        // Output Sends information
        Write("\t\tTotal: " + acctTracking[i].Sends.Total + "\n");

        // Output Bounces information
        Write("\t\tTotal: " + acctTracking[i].Bounces.Total + "\n");
        Write("\t\tHardBounces: " + acctTracking[i].Bounces.HardBounces + "\n");
        Write("\t\tSoftBounces: " + acctTracking[i].Bounces.SoftBounces + "\n");
        Write("\t\tBlockBounces: " + acctTracking[i].Bounces.BlockBounces + "\n");
        Write("\t\tTechnicalBounces: " + acctTracking[i].Bounces.TechnicalBounces + "\n");
        Write("\t\tUnknownBounces: " + acctTracking[i].Bounces.UnknownBounces + "\n");

        // Output Clicks information
        Write("\t\tTotal: " + acctTracking[i].Clicks.Total + "\n");
        Write("\t\tUnique: " + acctTracking[i].Clicks.Unique + "\n");

        // Output Opens information
        Write("\t\tTotal: " + acctTracking[i].Opens.Total + "\n");
        Write("\t\tUnique: " + acctTracking[i].Opens.Unique + "\n");

        // Output Unsubscribes information
        Write("\t\tUnique: " + acctTracking[i].Unsubscribes.Unique + "\n");
    } else {
      Write("No tracking information found for the specified CustomerKey.\n");
  } catch (ex) {
    // Handle any exceptions and output the error details
    Write("Error Message: " + ex.message + '\n');
    Write("Error Description: " + ex.description + '\n');


Write an SSJS block to update Account

<script runat="server">
  // Load the Core library with version 1
  Platform.Load("core", "1");

  try {
    // Initialize an Account object with the specified CustomerKey
    // You need to have required roles and permission As a Administrator 
    var myAccount = Account.Init("9xxxxxD-5xx2-4xx4-BxxF-Fxxxxxxxx1");

    // Update the City property of the specified Account
    var status = myAccount.Update({ "City": "Edinburg" });

    // Define a filter for retrieving the updated Account with a specific CustomerKey
    var filter = {
      Property: "CustomerKey",
      SimpleOperator: "equals",
      Value: "9xxxxxD-5xx2-4xx4-BxxF-Fxxxxxxxx1"

    // Retrieve the updated Account based on the defined filter
    var results = Account.Retrieve(filter);

    // Uncomment the line below to see the complete results as a string
    // Write(Stringify(results));

    // Output the update status
    Write('Status: ' + status + '\n');

    // Output information about the updated Account
    Write('Name: ' + results[0].Name + '\n');
    Write('Address: ' + results[0].Address + '\n');
    Write('City: ' + results[0].City + '\n');
    Write('Country: ' + results[0].Country + '\n');
    Write('BusinessName: ' + results[0].BusinessName + '\n');
    Write('Email: ' + results[0].Email + '\n');
    Write('City: ' + results[0].City + '\n');
  } catch (ex) {
    // Handle any exceptions and output the error details
    Write("Error Message: " + ex.message + '\n');
    Write("Error Description: " + ex.description + '\n');


Write an SSJS block to retrieve account user details

<script runat="server">
  // Load the Core library with version 1.1.1
  Platform.Load("Core", "1.1.1");

  try {
    // Retrieve an Account User based on the CustomerKey
    // Should be parent BU and have required permissions as Administrator
    var accountUser = AccountUser.Retrieve({
      Property: "CustomerKey",
      SimpleOperator: "equals",
      Value: "68c534ec-20af-438e-b36a-f459cff6642d"

    // Uncomment the line below to see the complete AccountUser object as a string
    // Write(Stringify(accountUser));

    // Output information about the retrieved Account User
    Write('Client ID: ' + accountUser[0].Client.ID + '\n');
    Write('UserID: ' + accountUser[0].UserID + '\n');
  } catch (ex) {
    // Handle any exceptions and output the error details
    Write("Error Message: " + ex.message + '\n');
    Write("Error Description: " + ex.description + '\n');

Write an SSJS block to update account user password

<script runat="server">
  // Load the Core library with version 1.1.1
  Platform.Load("Core", "1.1.1");

  try {
    // Retrieve an Account User based on the UserID
    var accountUser = AccountUser.Retrieve({
      Property: "UserID",
      SimpleOperator: "equals",
      Value: "SPrasad"

    // Initialize an AccountUser object with the CustomerKey and ClientID
    var acctUser = AccountUser.Init(accountUser[0].CustomerKey, accountUser[0].Client.ID);

    // Update the password of the specified Account User
    var status = acctUser.Update({ "Password": "Password@12345$" });

    // Uncomment the line below to see the complete AccountUser object as a string
    // Write(Stringify(accountUser));

    // Output the update status
    Write('Status: ' + status + '\n');

    // Retrieve the updated Account User information
    var updatedAccountUser = AccountUser.Retrieve({
      Property: "UserID",
      SimpleOperator: "equals",
      Value: "SPrasad"

    // Output information about the updated Account User
    Write('Client ID: ' + updatedAccountUser[0].Client.ID + '\n');
    Write('UserID: ' + updatedAccountUser[0].UserID + '\n');
    Write('CustomerKey: ' + updatedAccountUser[0].CustomerKey + '\n');
  } catch (ex) {
    // Handle any exceptions and output the error details
    Write("Error Message: " + ex.message + '\n');
    Write("Error Description: " + ex.description + '\n');

Write an SSJS block to deactivate account user

<script runat="server">
  // Load the Core library with version 1.1.1
  Platform.Load("Core", "1");

  try {
    // Retrieve an Account User based on the UserID
    var accountUser = AccountUser.Retrieve({
      Property: "UserID",
      SimpleOperator: "equals",
      Value: "SPrasad"

    // Initialize an AccountUser object with the CustomerKey and ClientID
    var acctUser = AccountUser.Init(accountUser[0].CustomerKey, accountUser[0].Client.ID);

    // Deactivate the specified Account User
    var status = acctUser.Deactivate();
    //var status = acctUser.Activate();

    // Uncomment the line below to see the complete AccountUser object as a string
    // Write(Stringify(accountUser));

    // Output the update status
    Write('Deactivation Status: ' + status + '\n');

    // Retrieve the updated Account User information
    var updatedAccountUser = AccountUser.Retrieve({
      Property: "UserID",
      SimpleOperator: "equals",
      Value: "SPrasad"

    // Output information about the deactivated Account User
    Write('Client ID: ' + updatedAccountUser[0].Client.ID + '\n');
    Write('UserID: ' + updatedAccountUser[0].UserID + '\n');
    Write('CustomerKey: ' + updatedAccountUser[0].CustomerKey + '\n');
  } catch (ex) {
    // Handle any exceptions and output the error details
    Write("Error Message: " + ex.message + '\n');
    Write("Error Description: " + ex.description + '\n');

Write an SSJS block to create an account user

<script runat="server">
  // Load the Core library with version 1.1.1
  Platform.Load("Core", "1");

  try {
    var newUser = {
      "Name" : "Shashi Prasad",
      "UserID" : "shashi.prasad_ampscriptify",
      "Password" : "PassWord$1234@",
      "Email" : "",
      "ClientID" : 100009000,
      "DefaultBusinessUnitKey": "AEA84DD4-FBCD-467E-BC03-0F38E6D600B0",
      "AssociatedBusinessUnits" : ["AEA84DD4-FBCD-467E-BC03-0F38E6D600B0"]
    var status = AccountUser.Add(newUser);

    // Output the update status
    Write('Status: ' + status + '\n');

    // Retrieve the updated Account User information
    var updatedAccountUser = AccountUser.Retrieve({
      Property: "UserID",
      SimpleOperator: "equals",
      Value: "shashi.prasad_ampscriptify"

    // Output information about the deactivated Account User
    Write('Client ID: ' + updatedAccountUser[0].Client.ID + '\n');
    Write('UserID: ' + updatedAccountUser[0].UserID + '\n');
    Write('CustomerKey: ' + updatedAccountUser[0].CustomerKey + '\n');
  } catch (ex) {
    // Handle any exceptions and output the error details
    Write("Error Message: " + ex.message + '\n');
    Write("Error Description: " + ex.description + '\n');

Write an SSJS block to create a data extension

<script runat="server">
  // Load the Core library with version 1
  Platform.Load("Core", "1");

  try {
    // Define the properties of the Data Extension to be created
    var deObj = {
      "CustomerKey": "Dataview_SentDE",
      "Name": "Dataview_SentDE",
      "Fields": [
        { "Name": "AccountID", "FieldType": "Number" },
        { "Name": "OYBAccountID", "FieldType": "Number" },
        { "Name": "JobID", "FieldType": "Number" },
        { "Name": "ListID", "FieldType": "Number" },
        { "Name": "BatchID", "FieldType": "Number" },
        { "Name": "SubscriberID", "FieldType": "Number" },
        { "Name": "SubscriberKey", "FieldType": "Text", "MaxLength": 254 },
        { "Name": "EventDate", "FieldType": "Date" },
        { "Name": "Domain", "FieldType": "Text", "MaxLength": 128 },
        { "Name": "TriggererSendDefinitionObjectID", "FieldType": "Text", "MaxLength": 36 },
        { "Name": "TriggeredSendCustomerKey", "FieldType": "Text", "MaxLength": 36 }

    // Create the Data Extension
    var myDE = DataExtension.Add(deObj);

    // Output the created Data Extension details
  } catch (ex) {
    // Handle any exceptions and output the error details
    Write("Error Message: " + ex.message + '\n');
    Write("Error Description: " + ex.description + '\n');

Write an SSJS block to retrieve a data extension properties

<script runat="server">
  // Load the Core library with version 1
  Platform.Load("Core", "1");

  try {
    // Retrieve the Data Extension details based on CustomerKey
    var results = DataExtension.Retrieve({
      Property: "CustomerKey",
      SimpleOperator: "equals",
      Value: "Dataview_Sent"

    // Output the retrieved Data Extension details
    Write("Name: " + results[0].Name + '\n');
    Write("Description: " + results[0].Description + '\n');
    Write("IsSendable: " + results[0].IsSendable + '\n');
    Write("IsTestable: " + results[0].IsTestable + '\n');
    Write("CategoryID: " + results[0].CategoryID + '\n');
    Write("IsPlatformObject: " + results[0].IsPlatformObject + '\n');
    Write("CustomerKey: " + results[0].CustomerKey + '\n');
    Write("CreatedDate: " + results[0].CreatedDate + '\n');
    Write("ModifiedDate: " + results[0].ModifiedDate + '\n');
    Write("ObjectID: " + results[0].ObjectID + '\n');
    Write("Status: " + results[0].Status + '\n');
    Write("Client Id: " + results[0].Client.ID + '\n');
  } catch (ex) {
    // Handle any exceptions and output the error details
    Write("Error Message: " + ex.message + '\n');
    Write("Error Description: " + ex.description + '\n');

Write an SSJS block to create a senable data extension

<script runat="server">
  // Load the Core library with version 1.1.1
  Platform.Load("Core", "1.1.1");

  try {
    // Define the properties of the Sendable Data Extension to be created
    var deObj = {
      "CustomerKey": "SendableDE",
      "Name": "SendableDE",
      "Fields": [
        { "Name": "AccountID", "FieldType": "Number" },
        { "Name": "OYBAccountID", "FieldType": "Number" },
        { "Name": "JobID", "FieldType": "Number" },
        { "Name": "ListID", "FieldType": "Number" },
        { "Name": "BatchID", "FieldType": "Number" },
        { "Name": "SubscriberID", "FieldType": "Number" },
        { "Name": "SubscriberKey", "FieldType": "Text", "MaxLength": 254 },
        { "Name": "EventDate", "FieldType": "Date" },
        { "Name": "Domain", "FieldType": "Text", "MaxLength": 128 },
        { "Name": "TriggererSendDefinitionObjectID", "FieldType": "Text", "MaxLength": 36 },
        { "Name": "TriggeredSendCustomerKey", "FieldType": "Text", "MaxLength": 36 }
      "SendableInfo": {
        "Field": { "Name": "SubscriberKey", "FieldType": "Text" },
        "RelatesOn": "Subscriber Key"
      "IsTestable": true

    // Create the Sendable Data Extension
    var myDE = DataExtension.Add(deObj);

    // Output the created Sendable Data Extension details
  } catch (ex) {
    // Handle any exceptions and output the error details
    Write("Error Message: " + ex.message + '\n');
    Write("Error Description: " + ex.description + '\n');


Write an SSJS block to add a new attribute to a data extension

<script runat="server">
  // Load the Core library with version 1.1.1
  Platform.Load("Core", "1");

  try {
    // Initialize the existing Sendable Data Extension
    var de = DataExtension.Init('SendableDE');

    // Define the properties of the new field to be added
    var newField = {
      Name: "NewField",
      CustomerKey: "CustomerKey", // Specify the desired CustomerKey for the new field
      FieldType: "Number",
      IsRequired: true,
      DefaultValue: "100"

    // Add the new field to the Sendable Data Extension
    var status = de.Fields.Add(newField);

    // Output the status of adding the new field
  } catch (ex) {
    // Handle any exceptions and output the error details
    Write("Error Message: " + ex.message + '\n');
    Write("Error Description: " + ex.description + '\n');


Write an SSJS block to retrieve attributes from a data extension

<script runat="server">
  // Load the Core library with version 1.1.1
  Platform.Load("Core", "1.1.1");

  try {
    // Initialize the existing Sendable Data Extension
    var de = DataExtension.Init('SendableDE');
    // Retrieve the fields of the Data Extension
    var fields = de.Fields.Retrieve();

    // Loop through each field and output information
    for (var i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
      Write("Name: " + fields[i].Name + '\n');
      Write("FieldType: " + fields[i].FieldType + '\n');
      Write("IsPrimaryKey: " + fields[i].IsPrimaryKey + '\n');
      Write("MaxLength: " + fields[i].MaxLength + '\n');
      Write("Ordinal: " + fields[i].Ordinal + '\n');
      Write("DefaultValue: " + fields[i].DefaultValue + '\n');
      Write("StorageType: " + fields[i].StorageType + '\n');
  } catch (ex) {
    // Handle any exceptions and output the error details
    Write("Error Message: " + ex.message + '\n');
    Write("Error Description: " + ex.description + '\n');


Write an SSJS block to update sendable field from a data extension

<script runat="server">
  // Load the Core library with version 1.1.1
  Platform.Load("Core", "1");

  try {
    // Initialize the existing Sendable Data Extension
    var updateDE = DataExtension.Init('SendableDE');

    var status = updateDE.Fields.UpdateSendableField("SubscriberID", "Subscriber ID");

    // Output the status of adding the new field
  } catch (ex) {
    // Handle any exceptions and output the error details
    Write("Error Message: " + ex.message + '\n');
    Write("Error Description: " + ex.description + '\n');


Write an SSJS block to add records into a data extension

<script runat="server">
  // Load the Core library with version 1.1.1
  Platform.Load("Core", "1");

  try {
    // Initialize the existing Sendable Data Extension
    var updateDE = DataExtension.Init('SendableDE');

    // Define an array of contacts to be added
    var arrContacts = [
      { JobID: 1234, SubscriberKey: "", EventDate: "11/29/2023" },
      { JobID: 5678, SubscriberKey: "", EventDate: "11/29/2023" }

    // Add the rows to the Data Extension
    var status = updateDE.Rows.Add(arrContacts);

    // Output the status of adding the new rows
    Write("Add Rows Status: " + status + '\n');
  } catch (ex) {
    // Handle any exceptions and output the error details
    Write("Error Message: " + ex.message + '\n');
    Write("Error Description: " + ex.description + '\n');

Write an SSJS block to update records into a data extension

<script runat="server">
  // Load the Core library with version 1.1.1
  Platform.Load("Core", "1");

  try {
    // Initialize the existing Sendable Data Extension
    var updateDE = DataExtension.Init('SendableDE');

    // Update the rows to the Data Extension
    var status = updateDE.Rows.Update({"BatchID":1234,"Domain":""}, ["JobID"], [1234]);

   // Output the status of adding the new rows
   Write("Add Rows Status: " + status + '\n');
  } catch (ex) {
    // Handle any exceptions and output the error details
    Write("Error Message: " + ex.message + '\n');
    Write("Error Description: " + ex.description + '\n');

Write an SSJS block to remove a record from a data extension

<script runat="server">
  // Load the Core library with version 1.1.1
  Platform.Load("Core", "1");

  try {
    // Initialize the existing Sendable Data Extension
    var updateDE = DataExtension.Init('SendableDE');

    // Update the rows to the Data Extension
    var status = updateDE.Rows.Remove(["Domain", "BatchID"], ["", 1234]);

   // Output the status of adding the new rows
   Write("Removed Rows Status: " + status + '\n');
  } catch (ex) {
    // Handle any exceptions and output the error details
    Write("Error Message: " + ex.message + '\n');
    Write("Error Description: " + ex.description + '\n');

Write an SSJS block to retrieve records from a data extension

<script runat="server">
  // Load the Core library with version 1.1.1
  Platform.Load("Core", "1");

  try {
    // Initialize the existing Sendable Data Extension
    var DE = DataExtension.Init('SendableDE');

    // Retrieve all rows from the Data Extension
    var data = DE.Rows.Retrieve();

    // Output the field values for each row
    for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
      Write("JobID: " + data[i].JobID + "\n");
      Write("BatchID: " + data[i].BatchID + "\n");
      Write("EventDate: " + data[i].EventDate + "\n");
      Write("========================================= \n");
  } catch (ex) {
    // Handle any exceptions and output the error details
    Write("Error Message: " + ex.message + '\n');
    Write("Error Description: " + ex.description + '\n');

Write an SSJS block to retrieve records from a data extension with simple filter

<script runat="server">
  // Load the Core library with version 1.1.1
  Platform.Load("Core", "1");

  try {
    // Initialize the existing Sendable Data Extension
    var DE = DataExtension.Init('SendableDE');

    // Define the filter condition
    var filter = { Property: "JobID", SimpleOperator: "greaterThan", Value: 1234 };

    // Retrieve rows from the Data Extension based on the filter
    var data = DE.Rows.Retrieve(filter);

    // Output the field values for each filtered row
    for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
      Write("JobID: " + data[i].JobID + "\n");
      Write("BatchID: " + data[i].BatchID + "\n");
      Write("EventDate: " + data[i].EventDate + "\n");
      Write("========================================= \n");
  } catch (ex) {
    // Handle any exceptions and output the error details
    Write("Error Message: " + ex.message + '\n');
    Write("Error Description: " + ex.description + '\n');

Write an SSJS block to retrieve records from a data extension with complex filter

<script runat="server">
  // Load the Core library with version 1.1.1
  Platform.Load("Core", "1");

  try {
    // Initialize the existing Sendable Data Extension
    var DE = DataExtension.Init('SendableDE');

    // Define the filter condition
    var complexfilter = {

    // Retrieve rows from the Data Extension based on the filter
    var data = DE.Rows.Retrieve(complexfilter);

    // Output the field values for each filtered row
    for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
      Write("JobID: " + data[i].JobID + "\n");
      Write("BatchID: " + data[i].BatchID + "\n");
      Write("EventDate: " + data[i].EventDate + "\n");
      Write("========================================= \n");
  } catch (ex) {
    // Handle any exceptions and output the error details
    Write("Error Message: " + ex.message + '\n');
    Write("Error Description: " + ex.description + '\n');

Write an SSJS block to create a delivery profile

<script runat="server">
  // Load the Core library with version 1.1.1
  Platform.Load("Core", "1");

  try {
    var newDP = {
      "Name" : "Newsletter",
      "CustomerKey" : "Newsletter",
      "Description" : "An SSJS Added Profile",
      "SourceAddressType" : "DefaultPrivateIPAddress"

    // Use DeliveryProfile.Add to add a new Delivery Profile
    var newProfile = DeliveryProfile.Add(newDP);

    // Doesn't return any status but a wsdl 
  } catch (ex) {
    // Handle any exceptions and output the error details
    Write("Error Message: " + ex.message + '\n');
    Write("Error Description: " + ex.description + '\n');

Write an SSJS block to update a delivery profile

<script runat="server">
  // Load the Core library with version 1.1.1
  Platform.Load("Core", "1");

  try {
    // Initialize the existing Delivery Profile
    var myProfile = DeliveryProfile.Init('Newsletter');

    // Update the name of the Delivery Profile
    var status = myProfile.Update({ "Name" : "Weekly Newsletter" });

    // Output the updated Delivery Profile details or relevant information
    Write("Update Status: " + status + '\n');
  } catch (ex) {
    // Handle any exceptions and output the error details
    Write("Error Message: " + ex.message + '\n');
    Write("Error Description: " + ex.description + '\n');

Write an SSJS block to remove a delivery profile

<script runat="server">
  // Load the Core library with version 1.1.1
  Platform.Load("Core", "1");

  try {
    // Initialize the existing Delivery Profile
    var myProfile = DeliveryProfile.Init('Newsletter');

    // Update the name of the Delivery Profile
    var status = myProfile.Remove();

    // Output the updated Delivery Profile details or relevant information
    Write("Update Status: " + status + '\n');
  } catch (ex) {
    // Handle any exceptions and output the error details
    Write("Error Message: " + ex.message + '\n');
    Write("Error Description: " + ex.description + '\n');

Write an SSJS block to retreive bounce events

<script runat="server">
  // Load the Core library with version 1.1.1
  Platform.Load("Core", "1");

  try {
    var sendID = 854897;
    var filter = { Property:"SendID", SimpleOperator:"equals", Value:sendID };
    var bounces = BounceEvent.Retrieve(filter);

    for (i=0;i<bounces.length;i++){
      Write("SMTPCode :" + bounces[i].SMTPCode + "\n");
      Write("BounceCategory :" + bounces[i].BounceCategory + "\n");
      Write("SMTPReason :" + bounces[i].SMTPReason + "\n");
      Write("BounceType :" + bounces[i].BounceType + "\n");
      Write("SendIDSpecified :" + bounces[i].SendIDSpecified + "\n");
      Write("SubscriberKey :" + bounces[i].SubscriberKey + "\n");
      Write("EventDate :" + bounces[i].EventDate + "\n");
      Write("EventType :" + bounces[i].EventType + "\n");
      Write("CreatedDate :" + bounces[i].CreatedDate + "\n");
      Write("ModifiedDate :" + bounces[i].ModifiedDate + "\n");
      Write("TriggeredSendDefinitionObjectID :" + bounces[i].TriggeredSendDefinitionObjectID + "\n");
      Write("============================================================ \n");
  } catch (ex) {
    // Handle any exceptions and output the error details
    Write("Error Message: " + ex.message + '\n');
    Write("Error Description: " + ex.description + '\n');

Write an SSJS block to retreive not sent events

<script runat="server">
  // Load the Core library with version 1.1.1
  Platform.Load("Core", "1");

  try {
    var sendID = 648890;
    var filter = { Property:"SendID", SimpleOperator:"equals", Value:sendID };
    var notSends = NotSentEvent.Retrieve(filter);

    for (i=0;i<notSends.length;i++){
      Write("SubscriberKey :" + notSends[i].SubscriberKey + "\n");
      Write("EventDate :" + notSends[i].EventDate + "\n");
      Write("TriggeredSendDefinitionObjectID :" + notSends[i].TriggeredSendDefinitionObjectID + "\n");
      Write("BatchID :" + notSends[i].BatchID + "\n");
      Write("SubscriberID :" + notSends[i].PartnerProperties[1].Value + "\n");
      Write("CreatedDate :" + notSends[i].CreatedDate + "\n");
      Write("============================================================ \n");
  } catch (ex) {
    // Handle any exceptions and output the error details
    Write("Error Message: " + ex.message + '\n');
    Write("Error Description: " + ex.description + '\n');

Write an SSJS block to retreive sent events

<script runat="server">
  // Load the Core library with version 1.1.1
  Platform.Load("Core", "1");

  try {
    var sendID = 854897;
    var filter = { Property:"SendID", SimpleOperator:"equals", Value:sendID };
    var sends = SentEvent.Retrieve(filter);

    for (i=0;i<sends.length;i++){
      Write("SubscriberKey :" + sends[i].SubscriberKey + "\n");
      Write("EventDate :" + sends[i].EventDate + "\n");
      Write("TriggeredSendDefinitionObjectID :" + sends[i].TriggeredSendDefinitionObjectID + "\n");
      Write("BatchID :" + sends[i].BatchID + "\n");
      Write("SubscriberID :" + sends[i].PartnerProperties[1].Value + "\n");
      Write("ListID :" + sends[i].PartnerProperties[0].Value + "\n");
      Write("CreatedDate :" + sends[i].CreatedDate + "\n");
      Write("============================================================ \n");

  } catch (ex) {
    // Handle any exceptions and output the error details
    Write("Error Message: " + ex.message + '\n');
    Write("Error Description: " + ex.description + '\n');


Write an SSJS block to retreive unsub events

<script runat="server">
  // Load the Core library with version 1.1.1
  Platform.Load("Core", "1");

  try {
    //var sendID = 854897;
    //var filter = { Property:"SendID", SimpleOperator:"equals", Value:sendID };
    var sends = UnsubEvent.Retrieve();

    for (i=0;i<sends.length;i++){
      Write("SubscriberKey :" + sends[i].SubscriberKey + "\n");
      Write("EventDate :" + sends[i].EventDate + "\n");
      Write("TriggeredSendDefinitionObjectID :" + sends[i].TriggeredSendDefinitionObjectID + "\n");
      Write("BatchID :" + sends[i].BatchID + "\n");
      Write("CreatedDate :" + sends[i].CreatedDate + "\n");
      Write("============================================================ \n");

  } catch (ex) {
    // Handle any exceptions and output the error details
    Write("Error Message: " + ex.message + '\n');
    Write("Error Description: " + ex.description + '\n');

Write an SSJS block to retreive open events

<script runat="server">
  // Load the Core library with version 1.1.1
  Platform.Load("Core", "1");

  try {
    //var sendID = 854897;
    //var filter = { Property:"SendID", SimpleOperator:"equals", Value:sendID };
    var sends = OpenEvent.Retrieve();

    for (i=0;i<sends.length;i++){
      Write("SubscriberKey :" + sends[i].SubscriberKey + "\n");
      Write("EventDate :" + sends[i].EventDate + "\n");
      Write("TriggeredSendDefinitionObjectID :" + sends[i].TriggeredSendDefinitionObjectID + "\n");
      Write("BatchID :" + sends[i].BatchID + "\n");
      Write("CreatedDate :" + sends[i].CreatedDate + "\n");
      Write("============================================================ \n");

  } catch (ex) {
    // Handle any exceptions and output the error details
    Write("Error Message: " + ex.message + '\n');
    Write("Error Description: " + ex.description + '\n');

Write an SSJS block to retreive click events

<script runat="server">
  // Load the Core library with version 1.1.1
  Platform.Load("Core", "1");

  try {
    // Retrieve all click events
    var clicks = ClickEvent.Retrieve();

    // Output details for each click event
    for (var i = 0; i < clicks.length; i++) {
      Write("SubscriberKey: " + clicks[i].SubscriberKey + "\n");
      Write("EventDate: " + clicks[i].EventDate + "\n");
      Write("TriggeredSendDefinitionObjectID: " + clicks[i].TriggeredSendDefinitionObjectID + "\n");
      Write("BatchID: " + clicks[i].BatchID + "\n");
      Write("CreatedDate: " + clicks[i].CreatedDate + "\n");
      Write("ModifiedDate: " + clicks[i].ModifiedDate + "\n");
      Write("URLID: " + clicks[i].URLID + "\n");
      Write("URL: " + clicks[i].URL + "\n");
      Write("============================================================ \n");

  } catch (ex) {
    // Handle any exceptions and output the error details
    Write("Error Message: " + ex.message + '\n');
    Write("Error Description: " + ex.description + '\n');


Write an SSJS block to retreive filter definition

<script runat="server">
  // Load the Core library with version 1.1.1
  Platform.Load("Core", "1");

  try {
    // Retrieve the filter definition with CustomerKey equal to "Behavioral"
    var results = FilterDefinition.Retrieve({
      Property: "CustomerKey",
      SimpleOperator: "equals",
      Value: "Behavioral"

    // Output details for each retrieved filter definition
    for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
      Write("Name: " + results[i].Name + "\n");
      Write("Description: " + results[i].Description + "\n");
      Write("ObjectID: " + results[i].ObjectID + "\n");
      Write("CategoryID: " + results[i].CategoryID + "\n");
      Write("CreatedDate: " + results[i].CreatedDate + "\n");
      Write("ModifiedDate: " + results[i].ModifiedDate + "\n");
      Write("DataFilter: " + results[i].DataFilter + "\n");
      Write("DataSource CustomerKey: " + results[i].DataSource.CustomerKey + "\n");
      Write("DataSource Name: " + results[i].DataSource.Name + "\n");

  } catch (ex) {
    // Handle any exceptions and output the error details
    Write("Error Message: " + ex.message + '\n');
    Write("Error Description: " + ex.description + '\n');

Write an SSJS block to create filter definition with simple filter

<script runat="server">
  // Load the Core library with version 1.1.1
  Platform.Load("Core", "1");

  try {
    // Define the filter criteria for the filter definition
    var filterObj = {
      Property: "Industry",
      SimpleOperator: "equals",
      Value: "Insurance"

    // Define the new filter definition
    var newFD = {
      Name: "Insurance_Filter",
      CustomerKey: "Insurance_Filter",
      Filter: filterObj,
      DataSource: {
        Type: "DataExtension",
        CustomerKey: "478F3177-15D9-4BD9-9099-4AA6B6CFF914"

    // Attempt to add the new filter definition
    var status = FilterDefinition.Add(newFD);

    // Output the status as a string (for debugging purposes)

  } catch (ex) {
    // Handle any exceptions and output the error details
    Write("Error Message: " + ex.message + '\n');
    Write("Error Description: " + ex.description + '\n');

Write an SSJS block to create filter definition with complex filter

<script runat="server">
  // Load the Core library with version 1.1.1
  Platform.Load("Core", "1");

  try {
    // Define the filter criteria for the filter definition
     var filterObj = {
      LeftOperand: {
        Property: "Industry",
        SimpleOperator: "equals",
        Value: "Insurance"
      LogicalOperator: "AND",
      RightOperand: {
        Property: "Country",
        SimpleOperator: "equals",
        Value: "Spain"

    // Define the new filter definition
    var newFD = {
      Name: "Insurance_Filter_v1",
      CustomerKey: "Insurance_Filter_1",
      Filter: filterObj,
      DataSource: {
        Type: "DataExtension",
        CustomerKey: "478F3177-15D9-4BD9-9099-4AA6B6CFF914"

    // Attempt to add the new filter definition
    var status = FilterDefinition.Add(newFD);

    // Output the status as a string (for debugging purposes)

  } catch (ex) {
    // Handle any exceptions and output the error details
    Write("Error Message: " + ex.message + '\n');
    Write("Error Description: " + ex.description + '\n');


Write an SSJS block to update filter definition

<script runat="server">
  // Load the Core library with version 1.1.1
  Platform.Load("Core", "1");

  try {
    // Define the filter criteria for the filter definition
    var fd = FilterDefinition.Init("Insurance_Filter_v1"); 
    var status = fd.Update({ "Name": "Updated_Filter_Insurance" });
    //var status=myFD.Remove();

    // Output the status as a string (for debugging purposes)

  } catch (ex) {
    // Handle any exceptions and output the error details
    Write("Error Message: " + ex.message + '\n');
    Write("Error Description: " + ex.description + '\n');

Write an SSJS block to retrieve folder

<script runat="server">
  // Load the Core library with version 1.1.1
  Platform.Load("Core", "1");

  try {
    // Retrieve the folder based on the specified name
    var results = Folder.Retrieve({
      Property: "Name",
      SimpleOperator: "equals",
      Value: "Shashi"

    // Output the details of the retrieved folders
    for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
      Write("Name: " + results[i].Name + "\n");
      Write("ID: " + results[i].ID + "\n");
      Write("ContentType: " + results[i].ContentType + "\n");
      Write("Description: " + results[i].Description + "\n");
      Write("IsActive: " + results[i].IsActive + "\n");
      Write("IsEditable: " + results[i].IsEditable + "\n");
      Write("AllowChildren: " + results[i].AllowChildren + "\n");
      Write("CustomerKey: " + results[i].CustomerKey + "\n");

      // Check if the folder has a parent folder
      if (results[i].ParentFolder) {
        Write("ParentFolder Name: " + results[i].ParentFolder.Name + "\n");
        Write("ParentFolder ID: " + results[i].ParentFolder.ID + "\n");
        Write("ParentFolder CustomerKey: " + results[i].ParentFolder.CustomerKey + "\n");

      Write("=================================================================== \n");

  } catch (ex) {
    // Handle any exceptions and output the error details
    Write("Error Message: " + ex.message + '\n');
    Write("Error Description: " + ex.description + '\n');

Write an SSJS block to create a folder

<script runat="server">
  // Load the Core library with version 1.1.1
  Platform.Load("Core", "1");

  try {
    // Define the properties of the new folder
    var newFolder = {
      "Name" : "Newsletter 2024",
      "CustomerKey" : "Newsletter_2024",
      "Description" : "Test added",
      "ContentType" : "dataextension",//[asset,journey,automations] //adjust as needed
      "IsActive" : "true",
      "IsEditable" : "true",
      "AllowChildren" : "true",
      "ParentFolderID" : 31853 // Parent folder ID; adjust as needed

    // Add the new folder
    var status = Folder.Add(newFolder);

    // Output the status of the folder addition

  } catch (ex) {
    // Handle any exceptions and output the error details
    Write("Error Message: " + ex.message + '\n');
    Write("Error Description: " + ex.description + '\n');

Write an SSJS block to update a folder

<script runat="server">
  // Load the Core library with version 1.1.1
  Platform.Load("Core", "1");

  try {
    // Define the properties of the new folder
    var myFolder = Folder.Init("Newsletter_2024");
    var status = myFolder.Update({ "Name" : "2. Newsletter 2024" });
    //var status=myFolder.Remove();

    // Output the status of the folder addition

  } catch (ex) {
    // Handle any exceptions and output the error details
    Write("Error Message: " + ex.message + '\n');
    Write("Error Description: " + ex.description + '\n');

Write an SSJS block to retrieve lists

<script runat="server">
  // Load the Core library with version 1.1.1
  Platform.Load("Core", "1");

  try {
    // Retrieve all lists
    var lists = List.Retrieve();

    // Output the status of the folder addition

    for (i = 0; i < lists.length; i++) {
      Write("CustomerKey: " + lists[i].CustomerKey + "\n");
      Write("ID: " + lists[i].ID + "\n");
      Write("ListName: " + lists[i].ListName + "\n");
      Write("Category: " + lists[i].Category + "\n");
      Write("Description: " + lists[i].Description + "\n");
      Write("Type: " + lists[i].Type + "\n");
      Write("ListClassification: " + lists[i].ListClassification + "\n");
      Write("CreatedDate: " + lists[i].CreatedDate + "\n");
      Write("ModifiedDate: " + lists[i].ModifiedDate + "\n");

  } catch (ex) {
    // Handle any exceptions and output the error details
    Write("Error Message: " + ex.message + '\n');
    Write("Error Description: " + ex.description + '\n');

Write an SSJS block to retrieve subscribers from a list

<script runat="server">
  // Load the Core library with version 1.1.1
  Platform.Load("Core", "1");

  try {
    // Initialize a list with the external key "NewEvents - 31855"
    var myList = List.Init('NewEvents - 31855');

    // Define a filter for retrieving subscribers with "Status" equals "Active"
    var filter = { Property: "Status", SimpleOperator: "equals", Value: "Active" };

    // Retrieve subscribers based on the defined filter
    var subs = myList.Subscribers.Retrieve(filter);

    // Output the retrieved subscribers
    // Write(Stringify(subs));

    // Loop through the retrieved subscribers and output details
    for (i = 0; i < subs.length; i++) {
      Write("ID: " + subs[i].ID + "\n");
      Write("EmailAddress: " + subs[i].EmailAddress + "\n");
      Write("SubscriberKey: " + subs[i].SubscriberKey + "\n");
      Write("Status: " + subs[i].Status + "\n");
      Write("CreatedDate: " + subs[i].CreatedDate + "\n");
      Write("UnsubscribedDate: " + subs[i].UnsubscribedDate + "\n");

  } catch (ex) {
    // Handle any exceptions and output the error details
    Write("Error Message: " + ex.message + '\n');
    Write("Error Description: " + ex.description + '\n');

Write an SSJS block to add subscribers from a list

<script runat="server">
  // Load the Core library with version 1.1.1
  Platform.Load("Core", "1");

  try {
    // Initialize a list with the external key "NewEvents - 31855"
    var myList = List.Init('NewEvents - 31855');

    // Define the subscriber details
    var subscriber = {
      "EmailAddress": "",
      "SubscriberKey": ""

    // Add the subscriber to the list
    var status = myList.Subscribers.Add(subscriber);

    // Output the status of the subscriber addition

  } catch (ex) {
    // Handle any exceptions and output the error details
    Write("Error Message: " + ex.message + '\n');
    Write("Error Description: " + ex.description + '\n');

Write an SSJS block to update subscriber's status to Unsubscribe from a list

<script runat="server">
  // Load the Core library with version 1.1.1
  Platform.Load("Core", "1");

  try {
    // Initialize a list with the external key "NewEvents - 31855"
    var myList = List.Init('NewEvents - 31855');

    // Define the subscriber details, including the "Status" field
    var subscriber = {
      "EmailAddress": "",
      "SubscriberKey": ""

    // Update the subscriber to the list
    // The first param should have a email address attribute and the second parameter is the updated status
    var status = myList.Subscribers.Update(subscriber,"Unsubscribed");

    // Output the status of the subscriber addition

  } catch (ex) {
    // Handle any exceptions and output the error details
    Write("Error Message: " + ex.message + '\n');
    Write("Error Description: " + ex.description + '\n');

Write an SSJS block to upsert subscriber's profile attribute to a list

<script runat="server">
  // Load the Core library with version 1.1.1
  Platform.Load("Core", "1");

  try {
    // Initialize a list with the external key "NewEvents - 31855"
    var myList = List.Init('NewEvents - 31855');

    // Define the subscriber details, including the "Status" field
    var subscriber = {
      "EmailAddress": "",
      "SubscriberKey": ""

    // Update the subscriber to the list
    // The first param should have a email address attribute and the second parameter is the profile attribute(s)
    // Upsert do-not update the status irrespective of what you pass as part of subscriber attribute
    // By default the status is set to "Active", be careful while leveraging Upsert
    var status = myList.Subscribers.Upsert(subscriber,{"City":"Barcelona"});

    // Output the status of the subscriber addition

  } catch (ex) {
    // Handle any exceptions and output the error details
    Write("Error Message: " + ex.message + '\n');
    Write("Error Description: " + ex.description + '\n');


Write an SSJS block to retrieve subscriber's tracking from a list

<script runat="server">
  // Load the Core library with version 1.1.1
  Platform.Load("Core", "1");

  try {
    // Initialize a list with the external key "NewEvents - 31855"
    var myList = List.Init('NewEvents - 31855');

    // Define the filter for the subscriber
    var filter = {
      Property: "SubscriberKey",
      SimpleOperator: "equals",
      Value: ""

    // Retrieve tracking data for the specified subscriber
    var results = myList.Subscribers.Tracking.Retrieve(filter);

    // Output the retrieved tracking data

  } catch (ex) {
    // Handle any exceptions and output the error details
    Write("Error Message: " + ex.message + '\n');
    Write("Error Description: " + ex.description + '\n');


Write an SSJS block to unsubscribe subscriber from a list

<script runat="server">
  // Load the Core library with version 1.1.1
  Platform.Load("Core", "1");

  try {
    // Initialize a list with the external key "NewEvents - 31855"
    var myList = List.Init('NewEvents - 31855');

    // Define the subscriber details
    var subscriber = {
      "EmailAddress": "",
      "SubscriberKey": ""

    // Unsubscribe the subscriber
    var results = myList.Subscribers.Unsubscribe(subscriber);

    // Output the result of the unsubscribe operation

  } catch (ex) {
    // Handle any exceptions and output the error details
    Write("Error Message: " + ex.message + '\n');
    Write("Error Description: " + ex.description + '\n');


Write an SSJS block to retreive query definition

<script runat="server">
  // Load the Core library with version 1.1.1
  Platform.Load("Core", "1");

  try {
    // Retrieve all Query Definitions
    var results = QueryDefinition.Retrieve();

    // Output the result of the retrieve operation

      Write("Name :"+results[i].Name+"\n");
      Write("ObjectID :"+results[i].ObjectID+"\n");
      Write("QueryText :"+results[i].QueryText+"\n");
      Write("TargetType :"+results[i].TargetType+"\n");
      Write("TargetUpdateType :"+results[i].TargetUpdateType+"\n");
      Write("CategoryID :"+results[i].CategoryID+"\n");
      Write("CustomerKey :"+results[i].CustomerKey+"\n");
      Write("CreatedDate :"+results[i].CreatedDate+"\n");
      Write("ModifiedDate :"+results[i].ModifiedDate+"\n");
      Write("DataExtensionTarget Name :"+results[i].DataExtensionTarget.Name+"\n");
      Write("DataExtensionTarget CustomerKey :"+results[i].DataExtensionTarget.CustomerKey+"\n");

  } catch (ex) {
    // Handle any exceptions and output the error details
    Write("Error Message: " + ex.message + '\n');
    Write("Error Description: " + ex.description + '\n');


Write an SSJS block to update query definition

<script runat="server">
  // Load the Core library with version 1.1.1
  Platform.Load("Core", "1");

  try {
    // Initialize a Query Definition with the external key "bouncedataviewQueryDef"
    var qd = QueryDefinition.Init("bouncedataviewQueryDef");

    // Define the new properties for the Query Definition
    var definition = {
      Name: "Bounce Data View Query Definition v1",
      QueryText: "Select * from [_Bounce] where IsUnique=1"

    // Update the Query Definition with the new properties
    var status = qd.Update(definition);

    // Output the status of the update operation
    Write("Update Status: " + status + '\n');

  } catch (ex) {
    // Handle any exceptions and output the error details
    Write("Error Message: " + ex.message + '\n');
    Write("Error Description: " + ex.description + '\n');

Write an SSJS block to perform query definition

<script runat="server">
  // Load the Core library with version 1.1.1
  Platform.Load("Core", "1");

  try {
    // Initialize a Query Definition with the external key "bouncedataviewQueryDef"
    var qd = QueryDefinition.Init("bouncedataviewQueryDef");
    var status = qd.Perform();
   // var status = qd.Remove();

    // Output the status of the update operation
    Write("Update Status: " + status + '\n');

  } catch (ex) {
    // Handle any exceptions and output the error details
    Write("Error Message: " + ex.message + '\n');
    Write("Error Description: " + ex.description + '\n');


Write an SSJS block to add query definition

<script runat="server">
  // Load the Core library with version 1.1.1
  Platform.Load("Core", "1");

  try {
    // Define the Query Definition properties
    var queryDef = {
      Name: "Holidays v1",
      CustomerKey: "Holidays_v1",
      TargetUpdateType: "Update",
      TargetType: "DE",
      Target: {
        Name: "SFMC Demo",
        CustomerKey: "14EBC368-41A6-4E59-89C9-A5F2C38EAA7B"
      QueryText: "SELECT Forename, Surname, Industry, Company, Email, SubscriberKey FROM [SFMC Demo]"

    // Add the Query Definition
    var status = QueryDefinition.Add(queryDef);

    // Output the status
    Write("Status: " + status + '\n');

  } catch (ex) {
    // Handle any exceptions and output the error details
    Write("Error Message: " + ex.message + '\n');
    Write("Error Description: " + ex.description + '\n');


Write an SSJS block to update send classification

<script runat="server">
  // Load the Core library with version 1.1.1
  Platform.Load("Core", "1");

  try {
    // Initialize the Send Classification with the external key 'Default Commercial'
    var sc = SendClassification.Init('Default Commercial');

    // Define the updated Send Classification properties
    var updatedSC = {
      "Name": "Commercial Sends",
      "DeliveryProfileKey": "Default"

    // Update the Send Classification
    var status = sc.Update(updatedSC);

    // Output the status of the update

  } catch (ex) {
    // Handle any exceptions and output the error details
    Write("Error Message: " + ex.message + '\n');
    Write("Error Description: " + ex.description + '\n');


Write an SSJS block to add send classification

<script runat="server">
  // Load the Core library with version 1.1.1
  Platform.Load("Core", "1");

  try {
    // Define the properties for the new Send Classification
    var newSC = {
      "CustomerKey": "Shashi Newsletter", // Specify a unique customer key for the new Send Classification
      "Name": "Shashi Newsletter",
      "Description": "Test SSJS description",
      "SenderProfileKey": "1142", // Replace with the correct CustomerKey for the Sender Profile
      "DeliveryProfileKey": "Default" // Replace with the correct CustomerKey for the Delivery Profile

    // Add the new Send Classification
    var status = SendClassification.Add(newSC);

    // Output the status of the update

  } catch (ex) {
    // Handle any exceptions and output the error details
    Write("Error Message: " + ex.message + '\n');
    Write("Error Description: " + ex.description + '\n');

Write an SSJS block to remove send classification

<script runat="server">
  // Load the Core library with version 1.1.1
  Platform.Load("Core", "1");

  try {
    // Define the properties for Send Classification
    var sc = SendClassification.Init('Shashi Newsletter');
    var status = sc.Remove();

    // Output the status of the update

  } catch (ex) {
    // Handle any exceptions and output the error details
    Write("Error Message: " + ex.message + '\n');
    Write("Error Description: " + ex.description + '\n');

Write an SSJS block to retrieve subscribers

<script runat="server">
  // Load the Core library with version 1.1.1
  Platform.Load("Core", "1");

  try {
    // Retrieve information about subscribers
    var results = Subscriber.Retrieve();

    // Output the status of the update

    // Loop through the results and output subscriber details
    for (i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
      Write("EmailAddress: " + results[i].EmailAddress + "\n");
      Write("SubscriberKey: " + results[i].SubscriberKey + "\n");
      Write("UnsubscribedDate: " + results[i].UnsubscribedDate + "\n");
      Write("ID: " + results[i].ID + "\n");
      Write("Status: " + results[i].Status + "\n");

  } catch (ex) {
    // Handle any exceptions and output the error details
    Write("Error Message: " + ex.message + '\n');
    Write("Error Description: " + ex.description + '\n');


Write an SSJS block to add a subscriber

<script runat="server">
  // Load the Core library with version 1.1.1
  Platform.Load("Core", "1");

  try {
    // Define the new subscriber details
    var newSubscriber = {
      "EmailAddress": "",
      "SubscriberKey": "20100730001",
      "Lists": {"Status": "Active", "ID": 10280, "Action": "Create"}

    // Add the new subscriber
    var status = Subscriber.Add(newSubscriber);

    // Output the status of the subscriber addition

  } catch (ex) {
    // Handle any exceptions and output the error details
    Write("Error Message: " + ex.message + '\n');
    Write("Error Description: " + ex.description + '\n');


Write an SSJS block to upsert a subscriber

<script runat="server">
  // Load the Core library with version 1.1.1
  Platform.Load("Core", "1");

  try {
    // Define the new subscriber details
    var newSubscriber = {
      "EmailAddress": "",
      "SubscriberKey": "20100730001",
      "Lists": {"Status": "Unsubscribed", "ID": 10280, "Action": "Upsert"}

    var subObj = Subscriber.Init(newSubscriber.SubscriberKey);
    var status = subObj.Upsert(newSubscriber);

    // Output the status of the subscriber addition

  } catch (ex) {
    // Handle any exceptions and output the error details
    Write("Error Message: " + ex.message + '\n');
    Write("Error Description: " + ex.description + '\n');

Write an SSJS block to update a subscriber

<script runat="server">
  // Load the Core library with version 1.1.1
  Platform.Load("Core", "1");

  try {
    // Define the updated subscriber details
    var subscriber = {
      "EmailTypePreference": "HTML",
      "Attributes": {"City": "Barcelona"}

    // Initialize an existing subscriber with the specified SubscriberKey
    var subObj = Subscriber.Init("20100730001");

    // Update the subscriber with the new information
    var status = subObj.Update(subscriber);

    // Output the status of the subscriber update

  } catch (ex) {
    // Handle any exceptions and output the error details
    Write("Error Message: " + ex.message + '\n');
    Write("Error Description: " + ex.description + '\n');

Write an SSJS block to unsubscribe a subscriber

<script runat="server">
  // Load the Core library with version 1.1.1
  Platform.Load("Core", "1");

  try {
    // Initialize an existing subscriber with the specified SubscriberKey
    var subObj = Subscriber.Init("20100730001");

    // Update the subscriber with the new information
    var status = subObj.Unsubscribe();

    // Output the status of the subscriber update

  } catch (ex) {
    // Handle any exceptions and output the error details
    Write("Error Message: " + ex.message + '\n');
    Write("Error Description: " + ex.description + '\n');


Write an SSJS block to remove a subscriber

<script runat="server">
<script runat="server">
  // Load the Core library with version 1.1.1
  Platform.Load("Core", "1");

  try {
    // Initialize an existing subscriber with the specified SubscriberKey
    var subObj = Subscriber.Init("20100730001");

    // Remove the subscriber
    var status = subObj.Remove();

    // Output the status of the subscriber removal

  } catch (ex) {
    // Handle any exceptions and output the error details
    Write("Error Message: " + ex.message + '\n');
    Write("Error Description: " + ex.description + '\n');


Write an SSJS block to add security events for the audit trail access log

<script runat="server">
  // Load the Core library with version 1.1.1
  Platform.Load("Core", "1");

  try {
    // Initialize the existing Sendable Data Extension
    var updateDE = DataExtension.Init('Security_Events');

    // Define an array of contacts to be added
    var arrContacts = [
      { SecurityEventTypeID: 1, SecurityEventType: "Login Attempted", Description: "Duplicate values can be present when users log in from different machines, or when viewed using spreadsheet software that truncates milliseconds from time values." },
      { SecurityEventTypeID: 2, SecurityEventType: "Security Question Answered", Description: "" },
      { SecurityEventTypeID: 3, SecurityEventType: "Password Changed", Description: "" },
      { SecurityEventTypeID: 4, SecurityEventType: "Administrator Access", Description: "A member of the Salesforce Support team has logged in to the account as an account user." },
      { SecurityEventTypeID: 5, SecurityEventType: "Administrator Unlock", Description: "An administrator unlocked a user." },
      { SecurityEventTypeID: 6, SecurityEventType: "Redirect", Description: "For users provisioned with IMH Redirect flow, the user is redirected to CAS pages and they try to log in from Members." },
      { SecurityEventTypeID: 7, SecurityEventType: "Security Setting Changed Impersonation", Description: "" },
      { SecurityEventTypeID: 8, SecurityEventType: "Logout", Description: "" },
      { SecurityEventTypeID: 9, SecurityEventType: "Request Authorization Code", Description: "" }

    // Add the rows to the Data Extension
    var status = updateDE.Rows.Add(arrContacts);

    // Output the status of adding the new rows
    Write("Add Rows Status: " + status + '\n');
  } catch (ex) {
    // Handle any exceptions and output the error details
    Write("Error Message: " + ex.message + '\n');
    Write("Error Description: " + ex.description + '\n');

Write an SSJS block to add login status for the audit trail access log

<script runat="server">
  // Load the Core library with version 1.1.1
  Platform.Load("Core", "1");

  try {
    // Initialize the existing Sendable Data Extension
    var updateDE = DataExtension.Init('Login Status');

    // Define an array of contacts to be added
    var arrContacts = [
      { LoginStatusID: 0, LoginStatusName: "AccountDisabled", Description: "The account is disabled." },  
      { LoginStatusID: 1, LoginStatusName: "Failed", Description: "The login attempt failed." },
      { LoginStatusID: 2, LoginStatusName: "MustChangePassword", Description: "The user's password has expired and must be changed." },
      { LoginStatusID: 3, LoginStatusName: "NotSet", Description: "The login status hasn’t been set" },
      { LoginStatusID: 4, LoginStatusName: "Successful", Description: "The login was successful." },
      { LoginStatusID: 5, LoginStatusName: "UserAccountDisabled", Description: "The user's account is disabled." },
      { LoginStatusID: 6, LoginStatusName: "InMaintenance", Description: "The login was unsuccessful because of a maintenance event." },
      { LoginStatusID: 7, LoginStatusName: "UsernamePasswordLock", Description: "The user account was locked because they entered an incorrect password too many times." },
      { LoginStatusID: 8, LoginStatusName: "SecurityQuestionAnswerLock", Description: "The user account was locked because they entered incorrect security question answers too many times." },
      { LoginStatusID: 9, LoginStatusName: "BusinessUnitDisabled", Description: "The Business Unit account is no longer active." },
      { LoginStatusID: 10, LoginStatusName: "SystemDBUnavailable", Description: "An internal database error occurred in the process of verifying a user." },
      { LoginStatusID: 11, LoginStatusName: "AccountLocked", Description: "The account is locked." },
      { LoginStatusID: 12, LoginStatusName: "FailedNotOnWhitelist", Description: "" },
      { LoginStatusID: 13, LoginStatusName: "FailedInvalidActivationLink", Description: "The login failed because the user clicked an invalid or expired activation link." },
      { LoginStatusID: 14, LoginStatusName: "FailedDeviceNotActivated", Description: "Unable to activate the device using two-factor authentication." },
      { LoginStatusID: 15, LoginStatusName: "FailedDeviceNotActivateNeedMobile", Description: "The login failed because the user's device isn’t activated as required by the account's security settings, and a mobile number is required for SMS verification." },
      { LoginStatusID: 16, LoginStatusName: "FailedSsoOnlyLogin", Description: "Single Sign-On (SSO) is required to log in to the account, but the user attempted to log in using a different method." },
      { LoginStatusID: 17, LoginStatusName: "SecurityActivationCodeLock", Description: "The user has been locked out from using their username or password, security question or answer, and activation code." },
      { LoginStatusID: 18, LoginStatusName: "MustChangePasswordNoIDV", Description: "The user must change their password." },
      { LoginStatusID: 19, LoginStatusName: "InvalidCasApplication", Description: "" },
      { LoginStatusID: 20, LoginStatusName: "Logout", Description: "The user logged out." },
      { LoginStatusID: 21, LoginStatusName: "AppNotAuthorized", Description: "The app wasn't authorized using the OAuth2 Authorize API." }

    // Add the rows to the Data Extension
    var status = updateDE.Rows.Add(arrContacts);

    // Output the status of adding the new rows
    Write("Add Rows Status: " + status + '\n');
  } catch (ex) {
    // Handle any exceptions and output the error details
    Write("Error Message: " + ex.message + '\n');
    Write("Error Description: " + ex.description + '\n');

Write an SSJS block to delete a record from a data extension where an attribute is null.

<script runat="server">
  // Load the Core library with version 1.1.1
  Platform.Load("Core", "1");

  try {
    // Initialize the existing Sendable Data Extension using its external key
    var DE = DataExtension.Init('4908DC08-78E3-46AC-87D2-BE6D2B36C49B');

    // Retrieve all rows from the Data Extension
    var data = DE.Rows.Retrieve();

    // Loop through each row in the Data Extension
    for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
      // Get the value of the "Sends" attribute for the current row
      var nullAttribute = data[i].Sends;

      // Get the value of the "MonthEnding" attribute for the current row
      var MonthEnding = data[i].MonthEnding;

      // Check if the "Sends" attribute is null or undefined
      if (!nullAttribute) {
        // Remove the row where "MonthEnding" matches the current row's value
        var status = DE.Rows.Remove(["MonthEnding"], [MonthEnding]);
        // Output the status of the row removal operation
  } catch (ex) {
    // Catch any exceptions that occur and output the error message and description
    Write("Error Message: " + ex.message + '\n');
    Write("Error Description: " + ex.description + '\n');


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The information provided on this technical blog is for general informational purposes only. As a SFMC (Salesforce Marketing Cloud) Technical Architect, I strive to offer accurate and up-to-date content related to SFMC and its associated technologies. However, please note that technology is constantly evolving, and the information provided may become outdated or inaccurate over time.

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